Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Final Hockey Tournament Session

The Sheppard Team thoroughly enjoyed their final hockey session today. 
We got to play a series of competitive games spread across the netball courts. 
Here are some snapshots of us in action. 

What if...Dinosaurs

What if...
You opened a book about dinosaurs
And one leaped out
And since it was half reptile
It jumped into the sun-room
And started bathing in the sun
And then it peed on your homework
And ate your spelling book
Would you close the covers?

By Cyrus

What if...Crocodiles

What if...
You opened a book about crocodiles
And one scattered out
And another and another
Until the backyard was covered in crocodiles
Some were sunbathing
Some were in the kitchen
And some were in the baby pool with your sister
Would you close the covers?

By Isla

What if...Rabbits

What if...
You opened a book about rabbits
And one bounced out
What if another come out?
It would jump onto your head
Or maybe it would sleep on your bed
Until a whole pack tumbled out of the book onto the floor
What if they hopped into the shower?
It would be a total mess

What if...
You tried to push them
Back in but they won't fit
Would you close the covers?

By Emilia

What if...Red Panda

What if...
You opened a book about red pandas
And one hopped out
And more and more
Until a thousand hopped out
And ate all your sugar canes
And started being rascals
Would you close the covers?

By Charlie

What if...Rabbits

What if...
You opened a book about rabbits
And one hopped out
And another one and another one
Until one did a plop on your head
And one ate your pizza and started to hop all over the place
Would you close the covers?

By Blake

What if...Monkeys

What if...
One day I opened a book about monkeys
Monkeys jumped out of the book
And climbed on your desk
And spilled water on your spelling book
And the next day you go to school and the teacher growls at you.
Would you close the covers?

By Savanna

What if...Dogs

What if...
You opened a book 
About dogs
And they start pouring, roaring, barking and larking out of the book
So fast that the whole house fills up with dogs
It is so loud, you would need to wear earmuffs
Would you close the covers?

By Katie

Monday, 29 May 2017

Week 5 update

Dear Parents
  • What a beautiful First Holy Communion Mass.  It was such a special celebration of what makes us all so unique.
  • Thank you for all your fantastic support for Pink Shirt Day.  It was great seeing the children get behind this very important issue.
  • Joseph is teaching in Room 8 on Friday this week.
  • Mrs Julie Chitty is teaching in Room 9 on Tuesday this week.
  • Library day on Friday. 
  • Last week of hockey lessons.
  • Reminder that next week is Queen's Birthday so no school on Monday 5 June.
Enjoy your week.

Sheppard Team Teachers

Sunday, 28 May 2017

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the students who took their first Holy Communion today. 
You all looked wonderful and did an excellent job. 
We are very proud of you. We hope you enjoyed this special day.

From the Sheppard Team Teachers

Friday, 26 May 2017

Pink Shirt Day

Aunty Kim Visits...

It was Saturday morning. The day of Aunty Kim's visits. The only reason I hate it when Aunty Kim visits is because she gives me big sloppy kisses, so I hide. Today I will hide under the deck.

Aunty Kim hates spiders and the deck is like spider heaven. "Where's my Kevin?" shouted Aunty Kim. "I have tickets to the All Blacks versus Lions game"...

Kiss, kiss on the left cheek. Kiss, kiss on the right cheek, Aunty Kim had won this time! Until next time, lets go watch the RUGBY!!!

By Liam H

I do not like my Granny...

I do not like my Granny.
I do not like my Granny because she kisses me. I hide, she got me! I thought mhmm, well Granny doesn't like spiders so I waited there a long time. I said to Dad, "Where's Granny?" She fell off a camel and broke her leg, he said. Yay, bye, bye Granny and hello no more hiding.

By Noah

Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck!

Today my Aunty comes to visit. Her name is Aunty Kylie. Kiss! Kiss!
My cousin Logan screams "Yuck! Yuck!" Jax looks at me, I look at Jax. I yell "help!" Jax runs away. The door opens...Aunty Kylie is standing there, oh no its my turn.

By Savanna

Monday, 22 May 2017

Our Trip to the Library

On Wednesday the 17th of May I had to be at school before eight forty five! Because Room 9 were going to the South Christchurch Library. At 8:50am we were on the bus with our parent helpers; Tina, Anna, Jo, Gwynneth, Siobhan and Emma.

When we got to the library. We went down a corridor to a large room where we meet a lady named Audrey. She gave us some iPads. When we opened them up we were on an app called Neopad, where we learnt about Matariki.

We learnt that there are nine not seven stars and there are three water stars. After all that we made stars out of string.

At the end we said goodbye to Audrey, thanked our parent helpers and hopped on the bus back to school.

By Tom

The Christchurch South Library

On Wednesday the 17th of May I went to the Christchurch South Library, first we had to be at school by 8:45am. I got there at 8:24 exactly. We left school at 8:50am, room 9 got to sit on the bus, I sat next to Rubi-Lee. Xander went with his mum. There were six parent helpers; Tina, Anna, Gwynneth, Emma, Jo and Siobhan. 

We sat in the learning centre and learned about Matariki, the lady that taught us was called Audrey. She gave us iPads to watch a slide show and we got to make water stars in the slideshow, they all popped up on the big board.

After that we had to do a quiz about Matariki, we learned that there are actually nine stars because two of them hide behind a big shiny one. Then we made water stars out of cardboard, scissors and string. 

On the way back I sat with Rubi-Lee again and the class was singing a song really loudly. Mrs Forrest told us off because the bus driver was getting distracted. 

I enjoyed the rest of the day.

By Maddie

Lolly House by Simon

Lolly House

Two children were going on a walk and they came across a lolly house. It was made out of gingerbread. It was as big as the world's largest elephant. The icing was as white as snow, the roof was full of red lollipops. The red lollipops were reflecting off the river nearby. The jellybeans looked like windows. Inside when you turned on the tap, maple syrup came out, it was incredible. The doorknob was made out of white chocolate rasins. 

Crunch, the two children Bob and Jo stepped on the cracker path. Crunch, crunch, crunch Bob and Jo ate the house. Inside they found an evil wizard. 

By Simon

Week 4 Update

Dear Parents
  • We have been having some issues with respect in the classroom.  A number of children are forgetting to use their manners and listen when others are speaking.  I would appreciate you having a chat with your child about this and reminding them that this is not how we treat others at Our Lady of the Assumption School.
  • Mrs Imogen McDonald will be teaching in Room 8 on Thursday and Friday this week.
  • Mrs Julie Chitty is teaching in Room 9 on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
  • Library day on Friday. 
  • Pink Shirt Day on Friday.  Gold coin donation please. Please see notice below.
  • First Holy Communion on Sunday 28 May at St Peter's and Paul Church Halswell.

Dear Parents On Friday 26 May the Special Character and Student Council Teams will be holding a Pink Shirt Anti Bullying Day.  All your child requires is a pink shirt and black track pants.  Please do not rush out and buy something especially for this day.  You could borrow one if you don’t have one or just wear the white school polo shirt.  (We may have a sticker to hand out to these students.) There will be a gold coin donation please.  The money goes to the Mental Health Foundation. Thank you for your supportThe Special Character and Student Council Teams

Kind regards,
Sheppard Team Teachers 

Once upon a time...

One day at the edge of a cosy village. A large sweet looking house was built. The house was made of gingerbread with strawberry icing for the edge of the windows and doors.

In the house lived a poor widow with her three children. The oldest child was called Lucy and the second oldest was called Bead, the youngest was called Susie. They lived at 11 Sweet-treat Ave. A farm was next door and the farmer had a mill, boat, three hogs, two cows, one large stock of sheep and four horses.

It was a clear hot summer day when the farmer gave the poor family a ride in the boat. They saw mills and great blue-green water with little fish jumping in and out. The boat was quite large. The life jackets were bright reflector orange and the boat was yellow with a light that flashed bright green. The sea smelt of salt and the boat of cheesecake with strawberry cream. They all heard the sound of the sea waves lapping against the side of the boat, Lucy said "Watch out! There are rocks, there are rocks!" The farmer saw the rocks, turned around and headed back for the golden shore.

They went and stayed at home for about a week because they turned into fairies after the boat ride. They went to a pet shop and changed a puppy into a fairy puppy. They called it 'Sparkly' because of the way it sparkled in the golden sunlight. The puppy grew quickly and grew into a well behaved dog. The family trained her and she soon was a well-trained dog that could carry messages all over the country.

By Adele

Monday, 15 May 2017

Week 3 Update (Parents)

Dear Parents
  • If you have a Cybersafety Form, please return to the office asap.
  • Values Assembly 11am Monday.  All welcome.
  • Many thanks to those who offered to help out with our class trip on Wednesday. We will be in touch with you.
  • Full school uniform on Wednesday.  Please bring sports shoes to school.
  • Full school uniform on Friday. Sheppard Team will be having a prayer service in the church as there is no priest available.
  • Library day on Friday. 
  • Room 9 is running assembly on Friday.
  • If you are collecting your child early or dropping them off late, please sign them in or out at the school office.
Kind regards,

Sheppard Team Teachers

Cross Country Reflection

Wednesday 10 may 2017

Cross country

Yesterday the whole school went to cross country. We had to wear our house colour t-shirt.
The year three and fours had to run 1.5 kilometers. I came fifth place in cross country.I felt very tired and a bit cold. I am in yellow house which means I have to wear a yellow t shirt.
We had cross country at Halswell Quarry. I got the stitch in the race. We had to leave school at nine o’clock and we were on the bus by five past nine. Mrs Forrest was on the course so Mrs Grant was looking after us.Before the race we had morning tea, I had a bun, two sandwiches,nuts and a fruit bar. We had to bring our drink bottles.

I tried my best, I had a lot of fun.

By Milan Room 9

Friday, 5 May 2017

We will remember them.

Lest we forget
Room 9 have spent the first week of term learning about ANZAC Day and life during WW1. 

We began by discussing why ANZAC Day is important and how it is recognized throughout the country on April 25th. We listened to a beautiful story book called My Grandad Marches on ANZAC Day by Catriona Hoy, where the character in the story talks about attending a dawn service where they read poems and play a lonely song. After this Room 9 spent time discussing the symbols and the special parts of the service. 

We then began thinking about what life would have been like for the soldiers in the trenches. We watched a documentary that explained some of the conditions the soldiers were faced with. Which tied into our writing, where we imagined that we were a person affected by the war and wrote a diary/letter from their viewpoint. We were even lucky enough to have a class member bring in a beautiful ANZAC picture book called Jim's Letters by Glyn Harper. The story was a great model for us on how to structure our own writing. 

Here are some examples of what we have created... 
(Please pop into Room 9 in a week or two, we should have them all finished and up on display by then)

Dear Rose, 
I got your letter. Mum is so sad, she is staying with Grandma. At school we are playing soldiers and I am pretending to be you. When the guns are roaring we have to go into the shed. Dads thinking about sending us to Uncle's house. I'm so sad I might not see you again, be careful.We are learning about the war. Don't go on to the trenches you could poison your leg. It's almost Christmas, all I want is you back. I hope my wish comes true. At school a window got shot. Little brother Edward thinks your me, its so sad. 
I hope you come back.From your loving sister Ella.

Dear Mum, 
I am not having a good time in the trenches. One of the soldiers got the plague. Another got shot. I hear the cracking of machine guns. I clutch my sniper tighter when the shells start raining from the skies. I want to take off my helmet because it is very uncomfortable. So far the enemy has the higher ground. I hear sploshing sounds every time I move my feet. I am about to shoot at the enemy. 
From your son.

 In Art, we used water colours to create a sunset sky to represent the ANZAC dawn service.

The beginning of our sunsets

ANZAC Sunsets

Stay tuned for our finished work...

Small Sticks

Welcome to Term 2, 2017 in the Sheppard Team

This week the Sheppard Team began hockey skills lessons with Canterbury Small Sticks. It looked and sounded like everyone had a great time out on the court. 

Here are some action shots.